Returns and Refunds

We hope you love your purchase, but if for any reason you decide to return one of the products, you can send your request within 14 days from the day you have received your order. You can also request for the products to be replaced within 14 days.

Please get in touch directly with the Sellers and they will be able to assist you.

The return period will expire 14 days from the day on which you receive the goods you have ordered. You also have 14 days to return the product to the Seller.

Please notice you will be liable for the direct costs of returning the product. However, in case of a faulty item, you can request us to refund the shipping cost, please keep the receipt as evidence of the costs.

Please keep in mind that if you have requested any customization or personalization to the item, you cannot request a refund or exchange, except if the item is faulty in which case we may ask you for evidence.

You are also liable (and therefore not entitled to refund or entitled only to partial refund) for any diminished value of the product resulting from the handling of the product in any way other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the product while you are responsible for it (this includes, in the context of a return, when the product is in transit back to the Seller).

Please don’t destroy or throw away any product and where relevant the external packaging, even if it’s faulty, before you’ve spoken to the Partner and agreed that doing so won’t affect any refund you may be entitled to.


You have 24 hours from the moment you placed the order to cancel it. Please get in touch with the Seller to communicate you wish to cancel the order and they will be able to assist.

Refund Payment

We will process the refund directly to your payment card, within 14 days after the day the product is received by the Seller.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch with us by email at [email protected] to speak to our customer service team.